AI and AI tools are very prominent on digital platforms. Artificial Intelligence or AI is a computerized technology. It can think and perform tasks like humans. AI uses specific information from its users and transforms it into meaningful output. 

Modern IT devices incorporate AI due to its vast usage in everyday life. For example; Social media apps, autonomous vehicles and Navigation apps.  IoT devices (smartwatches, security devices and home devices) also use AI.AI and AI tools create a space for human-like critical thinking and problem-solving.

What is AI?

AI or artificial intelligence is the digital form of human-like intelligence.  It is an automated robot that can carry out intellectual tasks. AI is used in Digital platforms like Microsoft, Meta and Apple. AI easily carries out critical thinking, problem-solving and natural language processing.

AI can be visibly seen in the latest technology. A famous autonomous company, Tesla uses AI in its advanced sensors and auto-pilot features. 

What are AI Tools? 

AI tools are based on AI software and they contain in-built AI. These AI tools carry out tasks aligned with the user’s specific goals. Different AI tools have been introduced for the convenience of mankind. For example;  ChatGPT, MetaAI and Gemini. These AI tools are easily accessible for everyday use. A lot of innovations can be seen in AI tools across all the disciplines.  

What is ML?

ML is machine learning. ML uses algorithms to pick up the user`s usual pattern. AI and AI tools use ML to analyze user`s data and predict future actions. ML helps to narrow down the search results according to user preferences. ML usage can be seen in the face recognition feature. Also, ML allows us to suggest words and searches based on daily data. 


AI: AI is artificial intelligence. It can perform designated tasks without any human error. AI performs tasks with human-like intellect.  

ML: ML is machine learning. It has an algorithm that analyzes the data. ML can manage your data and use it for the future.  

AI Applications

Different AI tools are introduced in most of the disciplines. The role of AI is very prominent in the fields of Health, Businesses, Navigation, the Automotive Industry, IoT devices and Education. Users can use AI to interpret complicated patterns and challenging tasks. It ensures a smooth workflow.

  • Health: AI is also used in health services due to the expansion of AI tools. It has made medical diagnosis, drug analysis and health monitoring easier.   
  • Navigation: AI is also used in navigation apps. It allows users to be aware of traffic, weather and conditions and convenient routes. Google Maps also uses the latest AI technology. It allows real-time traffic updates, hands-free assistance and exploring features.
  • Automotive Industry: The latest vehicle design uses AI. It provides different assistant features to drivers. Features like ‘connected car’ have facilitated the driver in multiple ways. AI is also used to manage the risks of road accidents by providing live traffic alerts. 
  • IoT Devices: Siri and Alexa are smart AI tools. They provide personal assistance to their users. They can control smart home devices. Other IoT devices or smart devices also use AI to perform tasks. 
  • Education: AI ensures quality education. It can elaborate on different concepts using user-friendly language. AI-based educational tools use ML for course recommendations.

Future of AI and ML

ML with the combination of AI can result in the invention of more innovative technologies. They are now also used in Robotics. Different AI robots are now introduced. They can be visibly seen in the areas of health, packaging, logistics, space and IoT devices. Robotics is trying to save humans from extra effort in any task. Robotics is saving our time and energy.  But they are now getting more advanced and multi-functional. More innovative ML and AI changes are integrated to make robotics more useful. Industrial, medical, security and service robots are invented. For example; artificial robotic limbs, Robot vacuum cleaners and surveillance drones.  These technologies will be getting smarter in the near future.    


  1. Is AI and ML the same Thing?

 AI and ML are not the same thing. AI is a computerized technology to perform tasks. They perform tasks better than humans. ML is a part of AI that fetches the data to track algorithms.    

  1. Are AI and AI tools the same? 

NO, AI and AI tools are not the same thing. AI is a system that involves human-like intellect. On the other hand, AI tools are devices or technologies that use AI systems for its working.

  1. What is robotics?

Robotics refers to the use of technology and engineering for creating robots. These robots have the ability to perform actions. Robot vacuum cleaners can clean the floor without any human assistance.

  1. What are the most used AI tools? 

Some of the most common tools are; ChatGPT, Google Bard, Grammarly. Meta AI and Gemini use the same AI framework.

  1. How is AI used in robotics? 

Robotics uses AI to make the machines more useful. AI in robotics helps to conduct tasks more like humans.